Be Prepared

Measure the space you have available at home (width and height). Bring a tape measure and your dimensions when you visit if you have a space with a tight fit to help find the perfect tree.


We recommend a good pair of waterproof boots. You might get muddy. We have a hose you can borrow to clean your boots before getting in your car or truck.


We provide hand saws. You are welcome to bring reciprocating saws. Unfortunately, chain saws are strictly prohibited for insurance and safety purposes.

The perfect cut

Cut low and close to the ground. Have someone hold the top of the tree as you cut. Make a complete cut - don’t break off or bend before the cut is finished.


We can help you trim the odd branches at checkout. You’re welcome to borrow our tools or simply tell us what you’d like us to remove. You’re welcome to keep the extras to decorate your home or build a wreath,